Choose to Survive

Lindsay Roberts

When I think of the word survival, I think of my mother-in-law, Evelyn Roberts. As the wife of Oral Roberts, she went through the gamut of what most of us pray we’ll never have to go through. But she not only loved God and served Him every day with her whole heart, she kept a sweet attitude.

After everything that had happened to her, she could have chosen to be bitter. But overcoming is in the way you choose to look at your life, and she chose to survive and flourish. When trials came into her life, she didn’t crawl in the dust and say, “Poor me. Look at what I have to go through.” No, her attitude said, “Praise God! According to Romans 8:37, I am more than a conqueror through Christ who loves me! And I can survive!”

When you face a troubling situation, decide to take action. Go to God. Tell your heavenly Father your problem, because He knows all about it, and He has a way for you to survive. Survival it not an ugly word. Survival causes you to overcome, which can take you to a place of total victory. And that’s where God wants you to be!

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