A Three-Word Prayer

Richard Roberts

Can you imagine what it was like for Peter when he stepped onto the troubled Sea of Galilee and began to walk on the water toward Jesus? (See Matthew 14:22˗33.) The Lord said to Peter, “Come,” and you talk about a new world! Suddenly a man — not the Son of God — was walking on water!

When Peter stepped out of the boat and began to walk toward the Master, his eyes were completely focused on Jesus. But, all at once, he saw the winds becoming boisterous. The high waves caught his attention, and he took his eyes off the Lord. The instant Peter took his eyes off Jesus, he began to sink.

In the next second, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Thank God for three-word prayers! Peter didn’t have time to fast. He didn’t have time to quote the 91st Psalm. He shouted, “Lord, save me!” Psalm 34:15says, The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry. And verse 17 reinforces God’s faithfulness: The righteous cry out and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. When Peter cried out to Jesus, the Lord reached out, grabbed him by the hand, and rescued him.

That may be where you are today. You may need Jesus to reach out to you as He did Peter and lift you out of the trouble you are in. Thank God, it’s never too late to pray a “Lord, save me!” prayer!

Prayer is our lifeline to God. His constant watchful eye is trained on us, and His ear is always open to the cry of the sincere heart.

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